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Nikolaj Hess feat. Marc Mommaas

Buy tickets via link – entry 100,-

“The mastery of Mommaas and Hess completely overwhelms any feeling of normal. This is art of the highest standard, and a record which will most definitely be a “best of.” (Allaboutjazz)

Nikolaj Hess’s samarbejde med den New York baserede Amerikansk/Hollandske saxofonist Marc Mommaas rækker tilbage til 1998, og har resulteret i en række internationale udgivelser og turneer i USA, Spanien, Holland og Skandinavien. Seneste udgivelse er albummet Ballads Standards på Sunnyside Records (US), hvor Hess og Mommaas spiller kreative bearbejdninger af nøje udvalgte standard ballader med vinkler, elementer og ideer fra deres frie improvisationspraksis og originalkompositioner. 

Til denne early Saturday afternoon koncert vil Hess og Mommaas udforske en række jazz klassikere blandet med frit improviserede forløb i en samlet reflektion over deres mangfoldige fælles kreative mødepunkter. Melodisk, harmonisk, rytmisk interaktivt flow og musikalsk kommunikation på allerhøjeste niveau. 

Det bliver et mix det Nordiske univers kombineret med den internationale jazztradition og et sublimt interplay og sans for klang og stemning, med evigt legende og lyttende under- og overtoner, kombineret med melodisk nerve og ekspressivitet. Syngende melodilinjer, hypnotiske grooves og swing, filmiske lydflader og stemningsfulde ballader. 


“the mastery of Mommaas and Hess completely overwhelms any feeling of normal. This is art of the highest standard, and a record which will most definitely be a “best of.” (Allaboutjazz)

Nikolaj Hess’s collaboration with New York-based American/Dutch saxophonist Marc Mommaas dates back to 1998 and has resulted in a number of international releases and tours in the US, Spain, Holland and Scandinavia. Their latest release is the album Ballads Standards on Sunnyside Records (US), where Hess and Mommaas play creative adaptations of carefully selected standard ballads with angles, elements and ideas from their free improvisation practice and original compositions. 

For this early Saturday afternoon concert, Hess and Mommaas will explore a series of jazz classics mixed with free improvised passages in a collective reflection on their many shared creative meeting points. Melodic, harmonic, rhythmic interactive flow and musical communication at the highest level. 

You will experience the Nordic universe combined with the international jazz tradition and a sublime interplay and sense of sound and atmosphere, with playful and listening undertones and overtones, combined with melodic nerve and expressivity. Singing melody lines, hypnotic grooves and swing, cinematic soundscapes and evocative ballads. 



Nikolaj Hess flygel

Marc Mommaas saxofon

Jul 13 2024


Date: July 13, 2024
Time: 13:00


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Kompagnistræde 34
Copenhagen, 1208 Denmark

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+45 33 11 24 04