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Yvette Eklund Band

SVENSK ROCKHISTORIE, der overgår det meste inden for svenskproduceret roots-rock, med en blanding af “Stones-lignende” rock’n’roll, country, soul og gospel samlet i ét og samme band.

Ikke siden Rolling Stones’ storhedstid (68-72) har et band, endda med en kvindelig sanger og sangskriver i centrum, formået at føre traditionen videre og samtidig bevaret sin egen særpræg og identitet. Yvette må være blevet skabt dengang, da Mick, Keith og Gram festede i Villa Nellcote på den franske Riviera og efter midnat vaklede ned i kælderen for at skrive moderne rockhistorie.

Der findes ikke mange rockbands i dag med en kvinde i front, som desuden skriver alle sange sammen med bandet og har formået at samle regionens fineste musikere.

Soul, rock’n’roll, gospel og country i en skøn blanding med dette superbands.


SWEDISH ROCK HISTORY that surpasses most when it comes to Swedish-produced roots rock, blending “Stones-like” rock’n’roll, country, soul, and gospel all in one band.

Not since the Rolling Stones’ golden era (68-72) has a band, especially with a female singer and songwriter at its center, managed to carry the tradition forward while still maintaining its own distinctiveness and identity. Yvette must have come to life when Mick, Keith, and Gram were partying at Villa Nellcote on the French Riviera, staggering down to the basement after midnight to write modern rock history.

There aren’t many rock bands today with a woman in the lead who also writes all the songs with the band and has managed to bring together the finest musicians from the region.

Soul, rock’n’roll, gospel, and country in a beautiful mix with this super band.


Dec 06 2024


Date: December 6, 2024
Time: 17:00


Drop inn

Kompagnistræde 34
Copenhagen, 1208 Denmark

+ Google Map


+45 33 11 24 04


Drop Inn