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Entry: DKK 130,-
Tobacco kalder sig selv “Danmarks bedste vaskebrætband”. De spiller godter fra den amerikanske musiktradition: Country, blues, spirituals, ragtime, zydeco og “goddamn hillbilly”. Stilarterne mixes og smages til med energisk sceneoptræden, 5-stemmigt kor og pumpende lokomotivrytme.
Bandet startede i efteråret 2001 og har siden da spillet over 500 koncerter i Danmark, Tyskland og Polen. Mange kender Tobacco fra deres tid som husorkester i det direkte TV-talkshow ”ZULU Late Night”, hvor de optrådte som backingband for kendte navne som f.eks. Medina, Rasmus Nøhr, Basim, Martin Brygman og Julie Berthelsen. Udover at spille på et væld af spillesteder, klubber og musikforeninger, har Tobacco også givet store koncerter på bla. Skagenfestival, Femø Jazzfestival, Silkeborg Jazzfestival, Maribo Jazzfestival, Mariefestival, Copenhagen Bluesfestival, Copenhagen Jazzfestival og Fox Tail Festival.
Tobacco har udgivet tre albums – det seneste er et live-album, udgivet i 2017 og optaget på Kayak Bar under Copenhagen Bluesfestival. Bluesnews.dk skrev om CD’en: ”Tobacco på kajen er et ægte live-album – lyden virker rå og ubearbejdet, og pladen emmer af koncertstemning. Tobacco fyrer den af i et ofte hæsblæsende tempo med fine instrumentale præstationer undervejs fra alle medvirkende. Det er en fest at høre det veloplagte samspil mellem banjo, vaskebræt, klaver, guitar, kontrabas m.m., og pladen gør det godt som dokumentation af, hvad der må have været en forrygende koncert på Kayak Bar midt i København.”.
Tobacco spiller musik fra dengang deres bedstemor var en værre værre én – man kan aldrig vide hvad der sker når de går på scenen, for deres koncerter er spontane og fulde af improvisation.
Morten Elmentoft Hansen, leadvokal, guitar
Sine Bach Rüttel: banjo, kor
Ronni Øhlers Hauptman: vaskebræt, kazzoo, kor
Rasmus Juul Nissen: kontrabas, kor
Jesper Andersen: klaver, harmonika, kor
Find Tobacco på FaceBook under: ”TobaccoDK”
Tobacco calls themselves ”Denmarks best washboardband”. They are playing goodies from the American musictradition: country, blues, spirituals, ragtime, zydeco and “goddamn hillbilly”. The styles are mixed and spiced up with an energetic stage-performance, 5-voice harmonies and a rhythm pumping like an old locomotive.
The band started in 2001 and has, since then, played over 500 concerts in Denmark, Germany and Poland. Many knows Tobacco from their time as house-orchestra in the live TV-show “ZULU Late Night”, where they were performing as a backingband for famous names such as Medina, Rasmus Nøhr, Basim, Martin Brygman og Julie Berthelsen. Besides playing at numerous venues and clubs, Tobacco has also been playing large concerts at Skagenfestival, Femø Jazzfestival, Silkeborg Jazzfestival, Maribo Jazzfestival, Mariefestival, Copenhagen Bluesfestival, Copenhagen Jazzfestival og Fox Tail Festival.
Tobacco has released three albums – the latest is a live-album from 2017, recorded at Kayak Bar during Copenhagen Blues Festival. Bluesnews.dk wrote this about the CD: “Tobaccco På Kajen is a real live-album – the sound is raw and unpolished and the album vibrates with live feeling. Tobacco has huge energy, often in an incredible tempo, with fine instrumental performances from the band members on the way. It is a party hearing the energetic coplaying between banjo, washboard, piano, guitar, double bass etc. And the record give a good documentation of what must have been a splendid concert at Kayak Bar in the middle of Copenhagen”.
Tobacco are playing music from when their grandmom was are really naughty one. You never know what will happen when they enter the stage because their concerts are always very spontaneous, full of energy and improvisation.
Morten Elmentoft Hansen, leadvokal, guitar
Sine Bach Rüttel: banjo, backing vocals
Ronni Øhlers Hauptman: washboard, kazzoo, backing vocals
Rasmus Juul Nissen: double bass, backing vocals
Jesper Andersen: piano, accordion, backing vocals
Feb 03 2024


Date: February 3, 2024
Time: 22:00