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O BAILE – Det brasilianske musikband fra København (BR/DK/FR/MD)
Med O BAILE føles det som sommer året rundt. I februar 2024 er det officielt karnevalstid i Brasilien, og O BAILE glæder sig meget til at fejre det sammen med dig under vinterjazzfestivalen!
O Baile er et brasiliansk musikband baseret i København. Bandet består af danske, franske, moldoviske og brasilianske medlemmer, der arbejder og fester hårdt sammen for at skabe en sjov atmosfære til koncerterne. De forener kun én kultur ud fra deres forskellige baggrunde. Blandt bandets medlemmer har nogle været en del af den danske musikscene (inklusive den brasilianske musikscene i DK) i mange år allerede.
O Baile er et brasiliansk musikband baseret i København. Bandet består af danske, franske, moldoviske og brasilianske medlemmer, der arbejder og fester hårdt sammen for at skabe en sjov atmosfære til koncerterne. De forener kun én kultur ud fra deres forskellige baggrunde. Blandt bandets medlemmer har nogle været en del af den danske musikscene (inklusive den brasilianske musikscene i DK) i mange år allerede.
O Baile er det største show med brasilianske rytmer i Danmark. Percussion, trommer, bas, guitar, elektrisk guitar, flere vokaler, trompet og pandeiro (selvfølgelig) udgør dette alsidige band. Folk kan synge og danse med til bandets musik og opleve fantastiske navne inden for brasiliansk musik som Gilberto Gil, Sérgio Mendes, Jorge Ben, Novos Baianos, Caetano Veloso og andre ikoner inden for samba, samba rock, maracatu, forró og mange andre stilarter fra Brasilien. Publikum stråler altid under bandets shows; de har deres helt eget lys. Og det vokser ekstremt hurtigt!
O Baile er ikke blot et band; det er et fællesskab af brasilianske musikelskere, der altid er klar til at danse, synge, have det sjovt og udveksle positive vibes med hinanden.
Alexandre Teles (BR): Akustisk guitar / vokal
Anton Fleckenstein (DK): Percussion / trommer
Caroline Gaudeoso (BR): Pandeiro / Percussion
Jacob Melchior (DK): Trommer / percussion
Kasper Hedegreen (DK): Elektrisk og akustisk guitar / vokal
Marcela Ferreira (BR): Vokal
Millena Dias (BR): Vokal
Remi Arnout (FR): Trompet
Victor Savca (MD): Bas
Alexandre Teles (BR): Akustisk guitar / vokal
Anton Fleckenstein (DK): Percussion / trommer
Caroline Gaudeoso (BR): Pandeiro / Percussion
Jacob Melchior (DK): Trommer / percussion
Kasper Hedegreen (DK): Elektrisk og akustisk guitar / vokal
Marcela Ferreira (BR): Vokal
Millena Dias (BR): Vokal
Remi Arnout (FR): Trompet
Victor Savca (MD): Bas
With O BAILE, it feels like summer at any time of the year. On the 27th of May 2023 it is the Carnival Parade in Copenhagen which O BAILE is very excited to celebrate together with you as the “after parade party!
O Baile is a Brazilian music band based in Copenhagen. It is made of Danish, French, Moldovan and Brazilian members who work and party hard together to create a fun atmosphere in the concerts. They form only one culture from their diverse background. Among the band, some are in the Danish music scene (including Brazilian music in DK) for many years already.
O Baile is the greatest show of Brazilian rhythms in Denmark. Percussion, drums, bass, guitar, electric guitar, several vocals, trumpet and pandeiro (of course) compose this versatile band. People can sing and dance along to the band while performing great names of Brazilian music like Gilberto Gil, Sérgio Mendes, Jorge Ben, Novos Baianos, Caetano Veloso and other Gods of samba, samba rock, maracatu, forro and many others styles from Brazil. The audience always shines during the band’s shows, they have their own spotlight. And it is growing super fast!
O Baile is not only a band, it is a community of Brazilian music lovers who are always ready to dance, sing, have fun and exchange positive vibes with each other.
O Baile is the greatest show of Brazilian rhythms in Denmark. Percussion, drums, bass, guitar, electric guitar, several vocals, trumpet and pandeiro (of course) compose this versatile band. People can sing and dance along to the band while performing great names of Brazilian music like Gilberto Gil, Sérgio Mendes, Jorge Ben, Novos Baianos, Caetano Veloso and other Gods of samba, samba rock, maracatu, forro and many others styles from Brazil. The audience always shines during the band’s shows, they have their own spotlight. And it is growing super fast!
O Baile is not only a band, it is a community of Brazilian music lovers who are always ready to dance, sing, have fun and exchange positive vibes with each other.
Line up:
Alexandre Teles (BR): Acoustic Guitar / vocal
Anton Fleckenstein (DK): Percussion / drums
Caroline Gaudeoso (BR) Pandeiro / Percussion
Jacob Melchior (DK): Drums / percussion
Marcela Ferreira (BR): Vocal
Kasper Hedegreen (DK): Electric and acoustic Guitar/ Vocal
Remi Arnout (FR): Trumpet
Victor Savca (MD): Bass
Alexandre Teles (BR): Acoustic Guitar / vocal
Anton Fleckenstein (DK): Percussion / drums
Caroline Gaudeoso (BR) Pandeiro / Percussion
Jacob Melchior (DK): Drums / percussion
Marcela Ferreira (BR): Vocal
Kasper Hedegreen (DK): Electric and acoustic Guitar/ Vocal
Remi Arnout (FR): Trumpet
Victor Savca (MD): Bass