Line Up
Lasse Schjerning trommer
Anders AC Christensen bas
Ned Ferm saxofon
Richard Sears Piano (NY)
Trommeslageren Lasse Schjerning har samlet nogle af de ypperligste musikere fra ind- og udland sin nye kvartet. Alle medlemmerne er unikke instrumentalister og komponister på hver deres vis, og kompositionerne er specifikt skrevet som en hyldest til deres lyd.
“Richard, Ned og Anders har altid været nogle af mine favorit musikere- og komponister i verden, og de har i den grad formet mig – musikalsk og kompositorisk. At skrive musik med dem i hovedet, er noget af det mest motiverende, inspirerende og det er konstant lærerig proces” siger Lasse Schjerning.
Anders ‘AC’ Christensen og Ned Ferm er to velkendte navne på den europæiske jazzscene og behøves ingen introduktion. De har spillet sammen mange forskellige og legendariske konstellationer, og deres symbiotiske samspil har tryllebundet publikum i mange år.
Den Brooklyn-bosiddende pianist Richard Sears har allerede, på trods af sine unge alder, udgivet fem anmelderroste albums – og har delt scene med folk som Billy Hart, the Muhal Richard Abrams Orchestra, Ravi Coltrane, Ralph Alessi, Eric Revis, Andrew Cyrille, og Joshua Redman.
Nysgerrigheden og det høje ambitionsniveau har altid drevet den unge trommeslager Lasse Schjerning lige siden, at han greb stikkerne i en ung alder – det er netop derfor, at han har samlet dette ensemble med nogle af det fineste musikere. “Der er noget ekstremt smukt i den synergi, som jeg ved, at der kan skabes mellem disse musikere. Jeg vil gøre mit ypperste for at skrive musik til disse herre, der rykker grænser og rør ved publikum.” afslutter Schjerning. ”
Lasse Schjerning Quartet feat. Sears/Ferm/AC is a modern contemporary project that involves four of the finest musicians from Scandinavia and the United States – all with truly unique individual voices on their instruments. The band is formed by the Copenhagen based drummer Lasse Schjerning, who always had the sound of these musicians and their sounds in his head.
The compositions are written specifically for the musicians in the group, catering to their unique and individual sound.
“Richard, Ned and Anders have always been some of my favorite musicians and composers in the world and they have formed me musically and compositionally. Writing songs with them in mind is so motivating, inspiration and a constant learning process, “ Lasse Schjerning says.
Anders AC Christensen (bass) and Ned Ferm (sax) are two well-known musicians on the european jazz scene and needs no introduction. They have played together in various legendary constellations – and their symbiotic sound have spellbound audiences for many years.
Richard Sears is a Brooklyn based pianist and composer and has already, despite his young age, released five acclaimed albums under his own name – and has shared the stage with artists such as Billy Hart Quartet (ft. Mark Turner and Ben Street), the Muhal Richard Abrams Orchestra, Ravi Coltrane, Ralph Alessi, Eric Revis, Andrew Cyrille, Joshua Redman and other jazz artists.
This curiosity and a high level of ambition has always powered the young and upcoming drummer Lasse Schjerning ever since he grabbed the drumsticks at an early age – that is why he has assembled this unique ensemble of some of the finest instrumentalists.
The band hope to invite the listener onto a deep musical journey when they investigate the spirit of the moment and the deeper layers in this uniquely composed music