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Jacob Roved Quintet – Release Koncert

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At dawn, we often find ourselves on an event horizon, gradually becoming awake but also drawn back into our dreams. These outskirts of our perception offer glances into the backcountry of our passions and emotions. While uncontrollable and sometimes scary, this wilderness draws us with promises of magic and mysterious endeavors. Some of the music on DAWN is a product of this state. Many people will recognize waking up with a vivid experience of a dream. For composer and band leader JACOB ROVED, such experiences are sometimes musical and result in new compositions, such as the single ‘A short moment’.
DAWN also alludes to a spiritual sense of awakening. Life itself is transient, and we are faced with the challenge of balancing desires and passions with a harmonious existence in the world. That choices in life are often complex and lead us to unexpected paths is a pervasive theme of the music.
DAWN is contemporary jazz, well rooted in the American jazz tradition, but not shy of its heritage from European classical music. It features the phenomenal clarinet and saxophone virtuoso JOHN RUOCCO, award-winning trumpet player THOMAS FRYLAND, and double bass player JESPER BODILSEN.
JACOB ROVED QUINTET was formed in 2008 and has previously released the album REMEMBERING BILLY STRAYHORN, commemorating the 100th anniversary of Duke Ellington’s famous collaborator – one of only few significant LGBT artists in jazz history.
Line-up til koncerten bliver:
John Ruocco – klarinet og tenorsaxofon
Thomas Fryland – trompet og flygelhorn
Mikkel Jakobsen – klaver
Tomas Raae – kontrabas
Jacob Roved – trommer
Sep 02 2022


Date: September 2, 2022
Time: 16:30