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David Millmann Group feat. Johannes Wamberg

David Miilmann Group
Der er urkræfter på spil når David Miilmann Group(DMG) indtager scenen og åbner op for deres genresprængende univers.
Med guitaristen David Miilmann som katalysator og en fælles kærlighed til musikken, tager DMG lytteren ind i et farverigt og opløftende fællesskab, der samtidig rummer facetter af melankoli og eftertænksomhed.
DMG udgav sin debutplade, ‘Waiting for Myself’ i sensommeren 2021 og er igen pladeaktuel med deres anden plade ‘What’s Left’. Bandet har haft succes med to DMA Blues nomineringer, finalister i Jazzkonkurrencen og rotation på P8 Jazz.
Johannes Wamberg
“Guitaristen Johannes Wamberg var egentlig kun til bebop. Men så skete der noget for den unge dansker, der i disse år overtager stafetten som landets nye hovednavn på guitar ved siden af
traditionalisten Jacob Fischer og balladestjernen Jakob Bro” Tomas Michelsen, Politiken
Han er en af landets mest eftertragtede guitarister og har de seneste år både skrevet sange for, og spillet med navne som: Emma Sehested Høeg, Coco O, Marie Key, Bette og så selvfølgelig
bandet Tabloid, som han startede tilbage i 2020. Han er kendt for sin diversitet på guitaren; lyriske linjer, varm lyd og en rytmeguitar i verdensklasse. Efter mange år som jazzpuritaner, brød han ud med åbent sind og begyndte at spille i alle mulige musikalske sammenhænge – pop, rock, RnB, jazz, you name it – og han formår altid at bidrage med både personlighed og stor
musikalitet. Johannes Wamberg er en af landets mest spændende, virtuose og alsidige guitarister.
David Miilmann Group
Urgent forces are at stake when David Miilmann Group (DMG) takes the stage and opens up their genre-busting universe.
With guitarist David Miilmann as a catalyst and a shared love of music, DMG takes the listener into a colorful and uplifting community that simultaneously contains facets of melancholy and thoughtfulness.
DMG released their debut record, ‘Waiting for Myself’ in late summer 2021 and are again up to date with their second record ‘What’s Left’. The band has been successful with two DMA Blues nominations, finalists in the Jazz competition and rotation at P8 Jazz.
Johannes Wamberg
“Guitarist Johannes Wamberg was really only into bebop. But then something happened to the young Dane, who in these years takes over the baton as the country’s new main name on guitar alongside the traditionalist Jacob Fischer and the ballad star Jakob Bro” Tomas Michelsen, Politiken
He is one of the country’s most sought-after guitarists and in recent years has both written songs for and played with names such as: Emma Sehested Høeg, Coco O, Marie Key, Bette and of course the band Tabloid, which he started back in 2020. He is known for his diversity on the guitar; lyrical lines, warm sound and a world-class rhythm guitar. After many years as a jazz puritan, he broke out with an open mind and started playing in all possible musical contexts – pop, rock, RnB, jazz, you name it – and he always manages to contribute with both personality and great
musicality. Johannes Wamberg is one of the country’s most exciting, virtuoso and versatile guitarists.
Oct 31 2024


Date: October 31, 2024
Time: 21:00
Cost: 75DKK


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Kompagnistræde 34
Copenhagen, 1208 Denmark

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+45 33 11 24 04