Entry: DKK 100,- Only door sale
Hoopleheads is a Copenhagen-based funky blues band (or is it bluesy funk band???) consisting of six experienced musicians who have been friends and worked together for more than two decades.
The band has existed in its current constellation since 2014, and over the years gained quite a reputation from its energetic live performances at numerous venues in Denmark, Sweden and Germany.
Whether the venue is a small bar in a suburb of Copenhagen or an international festival, the band’s joy of playing together and desire to the create a party together with its audience remains the same.
Lead singer Hazim Osman is the frontman of the band. He delivers a powerful vocal with lots of charisma and a clear inspiration from James Brown, Otis Redding and others.
Meanwhile, the rest of the band is cooking a rich stew consisting of a heavy groove topped up with numerous filthy riffs, mean solos, lifts, breaks and corners.
Hoopleheads released its first EP Mint Condition in March 2018. This was followed up by the album Delirious in 2021. Both releases are available for streaming on all common platforms.
For further information, quotes etc., please contact Mikkel Bruhn Schuster:
E-mail: mikkel.schuster@bric.ku.dk
Mobile: (+45) 40 87 80 42
E-mail: mikkel.schuster@bric.ku.dk
Mobile: (+45) 40 87 80 42
Hoopleheads spiller blues med et funky twist og består af seks rutinerede musikere, som har over to årtiers samarbejde bag sig. Bandet har eksisteret i sin nuværende form siden 2014 og har med sin energiske spillestil efterhånden fået skabt sig et vist ry på diverse knejper rundt om i landet samt på en række festivaler i Danmark, Sverige og Tyskland.
I front for bandet står sangeren Hazim Osman, der med masser af karisma og tydelig inspiration fra James Brown, Otis Redding m.fl. trykker den af til et tonstungt groove med masser af lifts, breaks og hjørner.
I foråret 2018 udkom bandet med EP’en ”Mint Condition”, som i januar 2021 blev fulgt op af albummet “Delirious”. Sidstnævnte udgivelse har høstet flere pæne anmeldelser.
Tre akkorder (nogle gange et par stykker mere), venskab, dedikation, rutine og spilleglæde – Det er vel sådan set det….
Hazim Osman: Vokal
Peter Viuf: Keyboard
Jørgen G. Hansen: Bas og backing vokal
Mikkel B. Schuster: Guitar
Jesper E. Brøsted: Sax
Johnny B. Hansen: Trommer
Hazim Osman: Vokal
Peter Viuf: Keyboard
Jørgen G. Hansen: Bas og backing vokal
Mikkel B. Schuster: Guitar
Jesper E. Brøsted: Sax
Johnny B. Hansen: Trommer